Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shame to Drive Old Car

I advised my brother to buy a second hand car as he going to change his workplace which he needs transport to reach there. My main concern is about his safety and financial status. His basic pay is not much. He told me that he wishes to buy a brand new motorcycle but I stop him. My main reason is because motorcycle is not safety compare to a car. If he manages to pay for a brand new motorcycle, why not use the money for a used car?

Do you feeling shame when you driving an old car? I don’t know why he had such feeling. What’s wrong is driving a used car?

It’s ok to spend the money as down payment for a new car as well but he needs to consider about the burden of monthly installment and car maintenance at the same time. That is what he can not afford at his current stage. If he goes for a second hand car, then all he needs to spend will only the repair and maintenance costs. If he is lucky to find one that in good and manageable condition maybe the he can save the cost some more.

But he told me that he don’t want to drive second hand car as he claimed that with the money he afford to pay, the models are not much for his choice. And those used cars models are old and outdated looking. He didn’t like that way.

This is not a good reason. What is the reason to buy a car? That is because of the convenience and safety issue. These are the two main reasons that he needs to consider and these are the priority as well. He can buy a new and latest edition whenever he is affordable. The importance is he needs to settle his current problem. I just don’t understand nowadays what this young people thinking….
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