Thursday, April 9, 2009

WeirdO? 18 definitions of it...

A person who is considered strange to other people. This person may do strange things, so this person can be considered a "weirdo".
A non-comformist who does not follow trends or a subculture. A true 'weirdo' will juat do what they feel, and can get along with most people. This person does not actually conform to a stereotype and shouldn't be labled.
1. Eww, he dunks his chicken nuggets in milk and hawks loogies. What a weirdo.
2. She listens to 80's music and wears tye-dye. What a weirdo.

Weird Person. Usually nonconformist.

the true definition of cool, unlike the hollywood lame version. weirdos are the real deal folks.
the weirder the better! weirdos rock.
1.Wow Jim is such a weirdo! That's why I put honey mustard on his car door.

a person who is weird.
1."Betty is such a weirdo."

you, yourself, and your entire being.
1." why am i talking to myself? im such a weirdo. "

A job. A person (usually a man) that walks around the town for a living. HE looks like a petafile but doesnt touch anyone. He just observes whats going on around him. His pay is whatever he finds on the ground.
1.Yo I always see that guy walking around town picking up money! 2.Yeah, he's a weirdo!

odd person
1.Weirdo is the best odd yahoo developer there is out there

A person considered socially unacceptable or at the least tolerable within certain perameters and under strictly defined conditions, whose behaviour puts him at odds with the greater dramatis personae of human life. Often given to inapproriate remarks and outbursts the like of which may provoke verbal antagonism and, in extreme cases, physical violence against the sayer thereof. Various types of sex pest and stalkers fit the description. As do recluses, political fanatics, angry loners and comic book collectors.
1."Why did your friend ask to see my wife's 'vital statistics' at the dinner table? And what on earth does
he mean?"
2."I don't know, pal. He's just a bloody weirdo."

A weird person who acts starnge. noun
1.That boy who ate eyeballs is a weirdo.

weordo and ugly likes girls
1.idk weirdo

a odd person or someone that does something strange.
1.Timmy is so weird in his little land!

The Boy or Girl at your school thats NOT a nerd but not exactly normal either...and NOT unique...the person that discuss things most of the people at the school wouldn't like to discuss..also the one that looks funny buts not handy capped...but be nice...there probably going through an "awkward stage"! :P
The Creepy older man standing at the bus stop at night, also known as the creep O_O
NORMAL PERSON: Hey Alvin, did you see that chris brown video "kiss kiss"? My favorite part was when
he was dancing on that bus!
WEIRDO: My favorite part is "the way" he moved his eyebrows throughout the video! NORMAL PERSON: uhhh?? alright then! (mumbles to self) "weirdo"

Someone you do not wanna meet the main person u fear is gonna "gotcha" whatever that means lolz
Some crazy lesbo fat lady that used to work for Nickelodeon in the she can't find work cause shes too busy cat fighting with multi millionaire Donald Trump who wishes he could finally just tell her "shes fired" EXCEPT she doesn't work for him!

The word weird translated into Spanish.
Tu eres un weirdo. Mexicanos son weirdos.

A Rawn-lo or Rinlond.
A chuffler or monk
Rawn-Lo Chuffles like a Weirdo

born weird, continues to be weird, will end weird
BOB: hey whose apartment we pre-gamin at? BUBBA: Oh its these two gurls and this weirdo that live there. The two girls are cool, but that weirdo,

the act of using your foot for masturbation
stop giving yourself a weirdo in my presence

A strange boy named Brett, that enjoys his English teacher a little too much.
Brett and his English teacher's eyes met and he cracked an instant 2cm boner.

see Sugar Bunni
SugarBunni is a card holding member of The Highest Order of Weirdos.

what do you think about yourself?
some kind of weirdo also...think about it..
have fun..

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