Life is short. We should make the best of every single moment to live our life to the maximum. We must make the best of all available resources within our reach (and without), to increase the quality and to better our life and the lives of others.
We should constantly and continuously improve ourself by learning new things, increasing our knowledge, making the best of our talents, and broaden our perspective about life in general. We need to have an open mind and good foresights.
We need to do our best in all our endeavours ("what is worth doing is worth doing well"). No half-hearted effort or "try try". Either we do it with our best effort, or we let others do it. Knowing that we have given of our best, will greatly increase our self-worth and integrity as an individual. And with proper moral standards and principles of behaviour, we can live with dignity and respect.
Remember: Someone wise once said, "Plan our life as though we are going to live forever; And live our life as though we are dying tomorrow!"
As we grow mature or older, with sufficient experience and wisdom, we could live a truly meaningful, worthwhile and fulfilled life. Happiness will come naturally.
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